National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) made the use of drones mandatory for a monthly recording of all National Highways Projects during their different stages of development, construction, operation and maintenance. Drone Bee Technologies have been serving NHAI in many of their highway projects.
Our Drone based service for NHAI takes places in two stages: pre-construction span and post-construction span. In both of the period drone videos and photos are collected and are presented a manner of depicting the progress of work taken place during the course of time.
Drones can be used to quickly survey the landscape of a roadway, providing a real-time picture of traffic conditions and identifying potential hazards. This data can then be used to inform decisions on how to adjusr traffic patterns in order to reduce congestions.
Drone Bee Technologies had served their drone service in Police department for regulating Traffic in their zone and also identifying unethical parking conditions.
A very unique and fast growing use of drones can be seen in international as well as in Indian market, of using Drones as a transporting agent. Delivery drones are typically autonomous UAVs used to transport food, packages or goods at door steps. This practise is being followed in some of the developed countries and soon this practise will be taking over in India also. Hence the load on highways and roadways will be predicting less in future.